Deltora Quest Wiki
Deltora Quest Wiki
Belt of Deltora300
Adin knew that he was the one who must fill the medallions in the belt.

Zebak is in need of more information! Zebak is lacking a complete history - mention the times the Zebak attempted to invade Maris, mention how they took the people of the Valley of Gold/Rin prisoner and enslaved them, and how they rebelled. Write about the Zebak military - note the Central Control mentioned in Rowan and the Zebak. Info about the Zebak and their history may be found in every Rowan of Rin book, as their past is referenced extensively.

General information
Notable members



Zebak city

Form of government

Military government

Chronological information
First appearance

Rowan and the Zebak

Last appearance

Rowan of the Bukshah

The Zebak are a warlike people who live on an island to the east of Maris.


Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal[]

Rowan and the Zebak[]



Law enforcement[]



Ordinary Zebak people are called urks. The flag of the Zebak is brown with a crest of black grach wings in its centre. Zebak never admit to fear. According to Thiery, most Zebak, though stern, were not evil like the people of Maris believed, as the ones who truly wanted to conquer Rin were Central Command, who kept the people in line through fear and the propaganda that the citizens of Rin, Maris and Travellers wanted only to take their land.


Physical appearance[]

All Zebak except children have a black stripe tattooed on the centre of their forehead, from their hairline down to their nose.[1]


Notable members[]


  1. Rodda, Emily. Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal. Scholastic Australia. 1996.