Deltora Quest Wiki
Deltora Quest Wiki
Belt of Deltora300
Adin knew that he was the one who must fill the medallions in the belt.

Pirran Caverns is in need of more information! Pirran Caverns is lacking A complete and proper synopsis.

The Masked Ones250
Ava, whose symbol was the eye, was blind!

Pirran Caverns is in need of a few images! Perhaps you can help by uploading a picture of scanned image of the map of the Caverns, seen in most of the books of the second series

The Pirran Caverns are a giant underground cave system, running the entire length of Deltora . The Cavern consists of three isles were the three different groups of Pirrans settled down, after they were forced out of Pirra by thre Shadow Lord. The Cavern is filled with water, forming an underground ocean of kinds, with the water changing colour to accmodate with the gemstone of the tribe it is situated beneath.



Isle of Plume

Isle of Auron

Isle of Keras

Each Isle's people had a piece of the Pirran pipe which was split due to trickery by the Shadow Lord. The Plumes had the mouthpiece of the flute (which was stolen and eventually ended up with Glock). The Auron's had the Middle Stem, and the Keras had the Endpiece.
