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Deltora Quest Wiki

Penn is a Pirran and History Keeper of the Auron tribe.


Isle of Illusion

After the companions arrive on thee floating city of Auron, they were entrusted to Penn's care. She educates them on Auron's history: how they were driven from their island, and how Doran arrived to give the Auron's the gift of fire.

At the companions request, she brought them to the island of Auron. Like Lief, she was affected by the power of the Pirran Pipe, and had to splash her face with water and dig her nails into her arm to keep focus. However, she allowed the boat to drift too close to the island. This attracted the attention of two Arachs. They destroyed the boat, but Penn summoned two giant eels to bring them to safety.

After the companions destroyed the Dome and returned the Auron's power to them, Penn explains she had held back some information from them on the requwst of the Piper of Auron. She also adopts Flash and Fury, who ceased fighting with each other after viewing the Arachs.

The Shadowlands

Penn escourted the companions on their way to Keris, wishing them luck on their quest. Later, she arrive with the rest of the Pirrans when they heard the call of the Pirran Pipe. She combined her magic with the others to rescue the prisoners in the Shadowlands and bring them to the underground sea. Afterwards, she told the companions how they would all forget, and gave them each an Auron memory stone.

Physical appearance


Penn loved knowledge, and was more than eager to educate others about the history of Auron. She valued truth above all else.

Penn was also loyal to the Piper of Auron, and was even willing to bend the truth for him.


Penn was an excellent swimmer, and could call for giant eels to ride upon.


Penn kept two seahorses in her office, named Tresk and Mesk. She described them as her companions.





See also
